CIRTES Tel. : +33 (0)3 29 55 11 71 Contact : Claude BARLIER Contact : Cyril PELAINGRE |
CIRTES, French Centre of Rapid Product Development in Europe CIRTES, European Research Centre for Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Tooling, is located in the heart of the industrial area of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges (France) since 1991. CIRTES also has a subsidiary office in the South-west of France in Carmaux. CIRTES, Innovation by Recherche & Development From its platform equipped with the main processes of digitalisation, CAD/CAM, Rapid Prototyping and Tooling, Rapid Manufacturing, High Speed Freeform Machining and three-dimensional measurement (2 000 m2 dedicated), CIRTES offers its facilities to companies, in a contractual way, its teams of Research and Technology Transfer in the field of the new processes for the rapid product development. Main CIRTES research works is directed towards a technological research for processes, and particularly according to two directions:
CIRTES takes part to several national and international projects: the ANTIOPE project, RAPTIA and SARE European networks , European CRAFT’s FASTOOL, MOLSTRA and the international project, VIRTUREAL®. CIRTES, in the heart of Creation and Innovation pole in Saint-Dié-des-Vosges To industrialize and market its works, the CIRTES founded two companies: rp2i diffusion and ACTARUS SAS. These two companies won the award of Technological Innovating Companies. The CIRTES founded the GIP-InSIC high school together with Ecole des Mines de Nancy and Ecole des Mines d’Albi. The CIRTES organizes each year in June together with InSIC: VirtuReaL®, International Conference for Rapid Product Development. CIRTES Awards ENTREPRENDRE 92 - PERFORMANCE LORRAINE 94 - TROPHEE INPI de l’INNOVATION 96. - CRT 96 - SRC 99 - INDUSTRIE 2002 award. CIRTES, a team The team of CIRTES: 25 engineers and research workers with a product/ process approach.