

22 rue de la Savonnerie

Tél. : +33 (0)3 89 57 99 98

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Contact : LEJEUNE Lucie
Function : Marketing Manager
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Contact : DUFOUR Rafael
Function : Director
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Contact : RELIER Pascal
Function : Sales
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The Sharptools Group is a French industrial company specializing in the grinding, reconditioning
(sharpening) and PVD coating of cutting tools for critical sectors such as aerospace, medical, precision mechanics, rail industry and the automotive sector. Composed of two complementary sites with a strong history (ASP Haute-
Marne, ALSAMECA Alsace), the group acquired Affûtage du Xaintois in 2024, whose equipments were transferred to ASP.

The Group operates with a central structure to ensure overall consistency and performance, including finance, engineering and sales departments.

Sharptools aims to become the French leader in special solid carbide cutting tools, while positioning itself as an industrial services company committed to the circular economy and the transmission of its unique know-how. The group also plans to extend its range of services through the distribution of tools supplied by partners.



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