GEOCONNECTIS Tél. : +33 (0)3 89 45 70 11 Email : Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! Site : Contact : COTTANCIN Sébastien Contact : DELAPLACE Géraldine |
A technical testing laboratory specialising in the physics of electrical contact, located in Alsace on the Swiss and German borders, Geoconnectics has been working with manufacturers and retailers for 25 years on pre-market product validation projects, reliability issues and R&D developments. Geoconnectics bases its expertise in connector technology on solid experience in multiphysics simulation, versatile in-house skills and advanced techniques. As a 100% French, independent and impartial laboratory, Geoconnectics is equipped with high-performance and comprehensive test equipment (Scanning Electron Microscope, vibrating pots, micro-cut detection, etc.), giving it considerable autonomy of action. Recognised for its physical testing (performance, endurance, accelerated fatigue, failures), investigation, qualification, certification, technical assistance and consultancy services, Geoconnectics focuses its expertise on connections, electrical, electromagnetic, optical or thermal links and interfaces, and energy or signal transfer. Its expertise in electrical contacts enables Geoconnectics to offer a multi-disciplinary approach to testing the endurance and durability of products from the most demanding companies in the aeronautics, military, automotive, electronics, rail, space, mechanical engineering and telecoms industries, as well as the retail sector. Geoconnectics is COFRAC accredited to ISO 17025 and has CIR (Research Tax Credit) approval. |