

ZI Sainte Agathe
Rue Paul Langevin
BP 10049
F. 57192 FLORANGE Cedex

Tel. : +33 (0)3 82 59 33 90

Contact : Fabien LAVALL
Function : Director & Manager
Email :  Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!


GMT France is a subsidiary of the German Group GMT – Gummi Metall Technik GmbH – based in Bühl, near Baden –Baden.

Having an expertise of more than 60 years in mechanical systems aimed to noise and vibrations reduction, GMT has developed in the past years two product lines for the aerospace market.

  • vibration and shock dampers made out of metal and rubber;
  • tie rods, both metallic and composites.

GMT is tier 1 supplier to major European aircraft manufacturers, like AIRBUS family, with applications for A 320, A 330, A350 airliners and DASSAULT.