BLACKLEAF 210 Rue Geiler de Kaysersberg F. 67400 ILLKIRCH
Tél. : +33 (0)6 16 93 16 52
Site : www.blackleaf.fr/
Contact : Yannick LAFUE Function : CEO Email :
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Contact : Housseinou BA Function : CTO Email :
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Graphene needs to be produced in France.
BLACKLEAF stands out from its international competitors by producing and selling: - the base product through an eco-responsible production expertise using 98% water, enabling very high concentrations at a competitive price. - patented, customizable coating solutions, providing high added value across all industry sectors.
Our current activities target: - scaling up the graphene production unit, currently at 50 kg/day, to several tons per month in 2024 (120 tons by 2025). - and the initial applications where graphene brings real breakthroughs, with renowned clients such as Safran, Thales, Airbus, Subsea7, for applications such as: • De-icing: wind turbine blades, aerospace or space components • Heating: buildings with an energy gain of around 10% • Conductive paints • Batteries