Ecole Nationale Supérieure en Génie des Systèmes et de l'Innovation ENSGSI - Lorraine INP - Université de Lorraine
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Site : www.ensgsi.univ-lorraine.fr
Contact : Isabelle Le MAY Fonction : Chargée de Développement de l’Action Partenariale Personne Ressource DD-RS Tél : 03 72 74 35 03 Portable :06 33 38 80 53 Email :
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Contact : Amélie VARNIER Fonction : Chargée des partenariats Tél : 03 72 74 35 12 Portable :07 86 55 85 63 Email :
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Contact : Pascal LHOSTE Fonction : Directeur des partenariats, Professeur des Universités Portable :06 08 27 30 54 Email :
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ENSGSI is one of the 11 engineering schools of the Lorraine INP group included in the University of Lorraine. The course combine General Engineering and Innovation Management
Strong sensitivity for small and medium enterprises Interdisciplinarity: professional integration in all sectors of activity Soft skills : personal and professional development
The School is stakeholder in economic development and has always adapted training and researches to companies', societys’ needs. ENSGSI : 350 students, a laboratoy « ERPI », a Lorraine Fab Living Lab® « LF2L ®»), is an agile and responsive innovation player. Future employees master degree Ensgsi have an entrepreneurial spirit, a culture of innovation, skills and competencies they acquire in projects, internships France and International, hackatons. ENSGSI assists companies who cultivate talent and know-how of their employees ENSGSI assists corporate development : Supporting your company in innovation, digital transition, projects with team research « ERPI », and its partnership ecosystem (partners, Alumni, Experts).
Diplôme d’ingénieur–Master degree General Engineering Innovation Management Project Management
Topics : Industrial engineering Material engineering Mechanical and Energy engineering Chemical engineering Innovation engineering Manufacturing engineering Entrepreneurial engineering Management Industrial Projects and internships
Education at ENSGSI An Original Approach: Personal Development : It’s not an option ! Base: General Engineering Specialty: Innovation – Management Profession: Organisation Engineering Initial formation or alternate training. 100 projects per year with companies. (Hackatons 48h to make the ideas real, 72h to be flexible, opened to economics partners)
The ERPI laboratory (Research team on innovation process) is one of the University of Lorraine research labs. It is labeled as such by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. ERPI is a founding member of the Jacques Villermaux Federation and linked to the EMPP scientific axis. ERPI has an historical link with the ENSGSI ( Engineering School on Innovation). ERPI is a research team on Industrial Engineering specialized on the research of innovation processes management. Its activities concerns the methods, tools and knowledges allowing to optimise innovation projects management. The scientific project of the ERPI deals with the Fuzzy Front-End off innovation that is to say from idea generation to materialization (CAD, formulation …). ERPI differs to other innovation research laboratories by considering the product as a “integrating system”
Example partnership: Airbus-Université de Lorraine research chair Ensgsi – ERPI The Airbus-Université de Lorraine research chair is a research and teaching project, undertaken for 5 years, from 2021 to 2025. It intends to contribute to Airbus’ ambitious program of digital transformation of its R&D, which began there two years (DDMS: Digital Design Manufacturing & Services). Airbus is a recognized leader in the field of engineering of complex systems (eg: airplane, helicopter, satellite, launcher, etc.). To meet new industrial and ecological challenges, Airbus must make further progress in this area, increasing by a factor of 10 the number of experts and engineers experienced in systems engineering.
The Lorraine Fab Living Lab® (LF2L ®), is a research platform of the ERPI Laboratory dedicated to the prospective assessment of innovative usages. It supports the creation and achievement of results through an established process based on the usage paradigm bringing together in the same space complementary advanced tools. The originality of the LF2L® is to be able to welcome, support and associate different communities (citizen users, entrepreneurs, researchers, etc.) using a conceptual framework of LF2L taking into consideration the 2D (concept), 3D (object), 4D (evolution scenarios) approaches involving the different type of stakeholders in order to have a foresight usage evaluation of a new concept, technology or project. This approach is useful to accelerate the deployment of industrial or urban demonstrators.